Most people believe termites are only dangerous to your property, especially the furniture or wiring. Though it is true to some extent, these pests pose a significant risk to your health and well-being and your pets.

Termites do not rely on human or pet blood for their growth or reproduction, lowering the direct negative impacts. Unlike blood-sucking pests like mosquitoes, termites do not bite. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they cannot still affect your health and the safety of your pets.

This blog explores the harmful effects of termites on humans and pets in detail to help you understand why you need to pay attention to termite pest control treatment if you notice any signs keep on reading till the end.

  • A Little About Termites
  • The Termite Diet
  • Harmful Effects of Termites on Humans
  • Disease Carriers
  • Increase Infection Risks
  • Can Cause Allergies
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Skin Conditions
  • Electrocution
  • Harmful Effects of Termites on Pets
  • Your Pets Can Accidentally Ingest Termites
  • Termites Can Bite Pets
  • Elevate Physical Danger Risks 

A Little About Termites

Termites are pests that mainly feed on wood causing severe damage to our property and furniture. Homeowners encounter two main types of termites namely the workers and the swarmers.

The worker termites are 3-4 mm long and they have cream-colored skin. You find these termites upon breaking open a part of infested wood or a mud foraging tube.

Swarmers are up to 4 mm in length and they belong to the reproductive cast of termites. These pests can have dark brown to black skin. Swarmers may or may not have wings and they are mostly seen between the months of March to April.

Worker termites on the other hand can be found all year round damaging our houses and risking the health of our family members and pets.

The Termite Diet

Termites feed on a diet that is based on cellulose materials. Wood, cardboard, paper, and plant matter are the favorite diets of these pests. This means unlike other pests; termites do not consider humans as a direct source of food which lessens the risks to some extent.

Termites do not possess biological mechanisms to digest human tissues or blood. Instead, these creatures have evolved to eat, break down, and digest cellulose-rich materials. This ability can cause extensive damage to wooden furniture or structures in your house.

Harmful Effects of Termites on Humans

Unlike other household pests, termites pose more indirect threats to our safety and well-being. Termites can hide and grow in dark and damp spaces in your house and you need to be extra careful if you wish to minimize the damage.

Following are a few harmful effects of termites on humans that show why you need a termite pest control service as soon as possible.

  • Disease Carriers

Termite colonies are home to extremely harmful bacteria or fungi that can inflict serious illnesses on humans. When humans come into contact with the infested surfaces or termite droppings they can catch these diseases.

  • Increase Infection Risks

Termites can also trigger infections in humans as they are carriers of many bacteria or other harmful microorganisms. There are some termite types that can bite or sting you. This can lead to the introduction of bacteria in your system which can cause several diseases.

  • Can Cause Allergies

Allergies are also among the common diseases spread by termites. Some humans are allergic to termite saliva or droppings. Being exposed to these elements can lead to watery eyes or a runny nose. It can also cause itchiness or even anaphylactic shock in vulnerable individuals.

  • Respiratory Issues

Termites release small particles into their air when they chew on wood.  Inhaling particles of wood dust or termite droppings can trigger respiratory issues like asthma or bronchitis.

  • Skin Conditions

Termite pellets, frass, or poop which is a wooden-colored substance can cause skin irritation or contact dermatitis. You might notice some rashes on your skin with clearly defined borders along with itching. This is also a sign that your skin is allergic to termites.

  • Electrocution

Termites especially the damp-wood ones have strong jaws that can easily damage electrical wiring. This can lead to short circuits, electrocution risks, as well as fire hazards in some rare cases.

Harmful Effects of Termites on Pets

Just like they do to humans, termites can also attack your pets in a non-direct fashion. Following are a few common ways termites can put your furry little friend in danger.

  • Your Pets Can Accidentally Ingest Termites

Your pets especially cats or dogs love to chew on anything they can find. If they somehow grab onto a piece of termite-infested wood, they can swallow the creatures unintentionally.

Termites have wood and uric acid in their stomachs and if your pet eats those it can release toxic elements in their digestive systems which can lead to further health complications.

  • Termites Can Bite Pets

Termites especially dry wood termites can bite pets leaving behind painful bite marks. In some cases, this can lead to swelling and pus. Pets can scratch this infected spot with force which can further lead to wounds and infections.

  • Elevate Physical Danger Risks

Termites make your property and furniture structurally weak which increases the risk of your pets getting hurt. Moreover, when you use a chemical-based termite pest control treatment, your pet can get exposed to these chemicals. If they inhale or ingest these chemicals it can affect their physical health as well as behavior negatively.


Unlike other pests that you normally come across in your house, termites do not pose direct risks to you or your pets. 

However, over time, these pests can cause serious damage to your furniture, doors, windows, and wooden floors. This structural damage can destroy your property and put you at great risk.

Moreover, if you are exposed to termite feces or termite-infested surfaces it can lead to skin irritation or allergies. This makes it crucial that you take all the necessary measures possible to prevent and eliminate termites from your house to create a safer environment both for yourself as well as your pets.

Visit Lulu Pest Control today to get the best termite extermination services all over the UAE.

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