There are so many people out there who seem to not know the difference between a sand flea and a regular flea. Though both of these creatures have fleas in their names they are not so closely related.

There are more than 2,000 different types of fleas and that makes it very easy for most people to confuse one with the other. But not knowing the type of pest that you are dealing with can make it very hard to take the right preventive or treatment pest control measures.


To make things clear this blog will delve into the main points of differences between regular fleas and sand fleas in detail. So, keep on reading till the end to see what sets these creatures apart from each other.

  • What are Fleas?
  • What are Sand Fleas?
  • Sand Fleas vs Regular Fleas: A Comparison
  • Appearance
  • Habitat
  • Bites
  • Feeding Habits
  • Dangers for Humans

What are Fleas?

A flea is a tiny insect that doesn’t have any wings and it survives on human or animal blood. These creatures can detect potential hosts by their body heat, breathing, or simple movements.

After sucking blood, fleas can also lay eggs in the skin of their hosts, especially furry pets. The eggs soon hatch into larvae and find a hiding place where they turn into cocoons. These fleas become adults in just a few weeks and then repeat the process which quickly leads to an infestation.

What are Sand Fleas?

Despite what the name suggests, sand fleas are not exactly fleas. These are crustaceans that belong to the same family as lobsters or crabs. People in some parts of the world also refer to these as sand hoppers, beach hoppers, or beach fleas.

These creatures usually feed on decayed organic matter which means they don’t bite humans for blood. The bites from these creatures lead to itchy red bumps but the pain and irritation go away quickly.

What are Sand Fleas

There are some rare types of these fleas however that can bite and bore holes in the skins of humans and pets. These include jigger or chigoe fleas which are normally found in Central America, South America, Africa, the Caribbean, the West Indies, or other tropical regions.

Bites from these fleas can lead to skin inflammation or even a parasitic infection called tungiasis. This is why you need professional sand flea control services to avoid major issues.

Sand Fleas vs Regular Fleas: A Comparison

Now that you have a brief idea about what sand fleas and normal fleas are let’s go one step further and see how you can differentiate one from the other.

1. Appearance

Fleas are very small and wingless flat insects with three pairs of legs and 1/8 or 1/12 inches in length. These critters come in brown or black colors and they feature large hind legs with hard bodies.

Fleas have piercing mouth parts as well as a flexible spine that allows them to lock into the host and suck blood.

Sand fleas, on the other hand, are much larger i.e., about a quarter of an inch to an inch in length. These are found in brown, tan, grey, or even green hues. These have a barrel-shaped body and five long pairs of legs. Sand fleas have two forked appendages that protrude from their back as well as two long thick antennae.

2. Habitat

You find fleas in mostly warm or humid environments like tall grass, shrubs, or trees. They cling to hosts like raccoons, squirrels, cats, dogs, or other wildlife. Humans are also an attractive target of these pests. These creatures can thus enter your house where they can hide in dog beds, bedding, carpets, etc.


Sand fleas are mostly found in coastal or sandy areas, especially near the high tide mark. You can find sand fleas on the coasts of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Europe. These are also found in the sandy areas of South America, Central America, Mexico, Africa, and India.

3. Bites

Sand fleas can bite your toes and feet which leads to small reddish dots. In most cases, these bites occur in clusters and are accompanied by skin irritation. However, sand fleas are not interested in human blood. There are some species of sand fleas however that can bore into your skin to lay eggs which can lead to infections and even tungiasis.


Normal fleas on the other hand can bite any animal including humans that is warm-blooded. Hairy animals like cats, dogs, rabbits, and rats are their prime targets.

4. Feeding Habits

Sand fleas prefer decaying plants and animal matter. Fleas can also feast on the leftover food that beachgoers throw away.

Fleas only need blood from humans, domestic pets, or other wildlife to survive and reproduce.

5. Dangers for Humans

Bites from fleas can lead to severe discomfort in humans. Other risks include bubonic plague and the bacterial disease murine typhus. These dangerous insects can also cause dermatitis in dogs or cats which can cause them to behave erratically.

The majority of sand flea species are safe as their bites do not do much harm to humans. It is true that some sand fleas like chigoe fleas can burrow into your skin and lay eggs but these fleas are extremely rare.


Both sand fleas and regular fleas can be a real nuisance if you do not deal with them when you notice the first signs of infestation. Fleas are true insects that are smaller than sand fleas. These are normally found in homes, yards, or on your pets and they feed on the blood of mammals.

Sand fleas, on the other hand, are in fact crustaceans which are related to creatures like shrimps or crabs. These are found in coastal areas and they mostly feed on organic debris which makes them less harmful to humans.

However, both of these creatures can cause extreme discomfort and hygiene issues for humans which is why you need to take the right preventive measures so that the infestation risks are minimized.

You can visit us at Lulu Pest Control to get the best all types of flea control and treatment services all over the UAE.

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