Dubai and UAE in general have a hot arid or tropical desert climate which is ideal for the growth of a number of annoying pests. One common pest that you encounter living in this region is the spider.
Spiders are common not only in Dubai but almost in every part of the world. However, in Dubai, you might find more species of these pests in greater numbers. Spiders come in all sorts of different types and knowing the kind of spider species you are dealing with can help you take the right pest control or treatment measures.
This blog lists the 10 most common spiders that you can expect to find in Dubai, UAE. With this information, you will be quickly able to identify different types of spiders which will help you deal with them better. So, without wasting any more of your time, let’s get right into it.
- Brown Widow
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Adanson’s House Jumper
- Black Widow Spider
- Crab Spider
- Lobed Argiope
- Pantropical Jumping Spider
- Cellar Spider
- False Black Widow
- Common House spider
- Brown Widow
The adults of this spider species can range from 25mm to 38mm and they have mottled tan color and in some cases brown with black markings. This species has a yellow or orange-colored hourglass pattern on its abdomen. They also feature dark brown or black striped legs with yellow bands.
The bites from these spiders can lead to pain, muscle rigidity, vomiting, and sweating. The females of the species create webs in branch-heavy woods or other isolated locations in your house like buckets, mailboxes, entryway corners, planters, etc.
- Brown Recluse Spider
These venomous spiders have light brown bodies with violin-shaped markings on the back right behind their eyes. The adults of this species can range between 6mm to 20mm in length. These spiders are found in dark corners, storage areas, and near debris where they feed on flies or other insects.
The bites from these spiders leave open ulcerating sores on your skin accompanied by severe pain.
- Adanson’s House Jumper
The males of this spider species have colorful bodies with black abdomens and two white crescents. These can grow up to be about 6mm in length. Females, on the other hand, can grow up to be 8mm long and have dark brown skin without any patterns.
These highly adaptable spiders can be found in low vegetation, woodland, or a number of other terrestrial areas. These spiders make small webs that are about twice the size of their body. These pests are known for their ability to jump several centimeters to hunt their prey.
- Black Widow Spider
This poisonous spider species is known for its shiny black back with an orange hourglass pattern on the abdomen. The males of this species tend to be brown or grey with small red spots on their bodies.
The females of this species can measure on average about 25mm to 38 mm in length. On the other hand, the males are much smaller i.e., about 3mm to 10mm in size.
These spiders prefer darker environments and you normally find these near piles of wood or trash. They can feed on other pests as well as spiders from the same species. Bites from these creatures can lead to headaches, cramps, or sweating.
- Crab Spider
This spider species can be found in many colors with the most common being white, yellow, and brown. The males of this species can range between 2mm to 4mm while the females are much larger i.e., between 7mm to 11mm in length.
These spiders are found in flowers or vegetation in your house that are lower to the ground. These spiders don’t make webs, instead, they use their long forelegs to hunt.
Crab spiders can also feed on pollen or flower nectar if the insects are unavailable which makes them pretty resilient.
- Lobed Argiope
Females of this spider species can grow up to 25mm in length and they have black and white striped abdomens. The males of this species can only measure up to 6mm in length and they have the same color patterns but they lack lobes on their abdomens.
Lobed Agriope spiders prefer rocky, warm, and dry areas. You can also identify this spider from its web which has a zigzag stabilimentum at its center. Many theorize that this pattern attracts insects to the web of this spider by reflecting UV rays from the sun.
- Pantropical Jumping Spider
This spider species is found in or around buildings and they hang around light sources that attract prey. Males of this species can range from 9mm to 11mm in size and they are mostly black with broad white central stripes and two white spots near the abdomen.
The females can be a bit bigger i.e., about 9mm to 12mm in size and they are brownish grey on their head and back. They also have a broad tan stripe that extends onto their abdomens.
These spiders do not build webs and they mostly hunt like other predators. These spiders are relatively harmless to humans. However, they can bite if provoked. Their bites resemble bee stings which are also not a big danger to humans.
- Cellar Spider
This spider is also among common pests in Dubai which can be identified with its thin and long legs with black and white circles around the leg joints. The adult cellar spiders can range in size from 5mm to 8mm and they are mostly found in attics or basements.
Though these spiders are venomous, they still pose no harm to humans due to their weak jaws that cannot bite humans that deep. Unlike most spider species, cellar spiders can share their webs and they prefer living in groups.
- False Black Widow
These spiders are also known as Dark Comb Footed or Cupboard spiders and they are known for their dark brown color and round, bulbous abdomens. These spiders can range from 6mm to 10mm in length.
Some people confuse them with dangerous black widow spiders. However, they are not the same since this species doesn’t have the reddish hourglass pattern on the underside of its abdomen. Their abdomen is also more oval in shape as compared to true black widow spiders.
These spiders prefer dark spaces like basement corners or the underside of furniture. These spiders are generally safe but when provoked they can bite you which can lead to blistering, muscle spasms, pain, fever, and a feeling of discomfort that can last for days.
- Common House spider
Last but not least, common house spiders are also something you need to stay aware of. These spiders can range from greyish to nearly black colors with patterns on their body.
Female house spiders have bulb-like abdomens which males lack. These spiders can range in size from 4mm to 9mm. This spider species is relatively docile. It might be nice to have a few of these around as they can feed on other pests like mosquitoes, flies, or ants in your house.
However, it is when you see more of them in corners, under window frames, garages, attics, or near light sources that you need to take immediate preventive measures.
Spiders are very common in the UAE’s climate and you need to deal with them as soon as you notice the earliest signs of the infestations. If you fail to do so it can lead to significant risks to your health as well as property.
The first step in getting rid of this nuisance is to identify the type of spider you are dealing with. Some spider species tend to be extremely dangerous for humans which is why you need to learn more about them.
After identification, the next step is to take the right preventive measures. You can also seek assistance from an expert pest control service that has a lot of experience dealing with spiders in Dubai to get quicker and better results. You can contact us at Lulu Pest Control to get the best spider and other common pest control services all over Dubai, UAE.