Sand Fleas are a more common issue than you think especially in humid coastal areas like beaches. These creatures can affect both humans and other animals. Their irritating bites can cause extreme discomfort and small red bumps on your skin.
But what exactly are Sand Fleas and what can you do to get rid of them? If you wish to learn the answers to these important questions then this blog is all you need.
With this information, you will be able to identify these creatures at once which can help you take timely sand flea pest control treatment measures to avoid major health risks.
- What are Sand Fleas?
- Where Do Sand Fleas Live?
- Do Sand Fleas Bite?
- Effective Ways to Get Rid of Sand Fleas
- Clean All Surfaces
- Use Bug Spray at The Beach
- Use Pesticides at Home
- Vacuum Carpets and Upholstery
- Wash Used Clothing and Bedding
- Inspect Your Clothing and Shoes When you Return Home from the Beach
- Check Your Pet for Sand Fleas
- Clean Pet Bedding and Toys
What are Sand Fleas?
Sand Fleas are crustaceans (arthropods that live mostly in water and have a hard shell, a segmented body, and jointed appendages) belonging to the family Talitridae that are mostly found in humid areas like the Coast of the Atlantic. These fleas are also referred to as beach fleas, land shrimp, sand hoppers, or beach hoppers.
Sand Fleas are about a quarter of an inch to an inch in size and they come in greenish, grey, or brown colors. These crustaceans also have two antennae and multiple pairs of legs. These fleas also have two forked appendages that protrude from their back.
These creatures usually reside beneath seaweed or tunnels that they dig into sand and they come out at night to feed on decayed organic matter such as dead plant material, algae, and small detritus found in sandy environments like beaches.
Where Do Sand Fleas Live?
Sand fleas as the name suggests live in sand. More specifically, these are usually found in the areas near the high tide mark. Commonly you can find these creatures along the Atlantic Coast.
The species Orchestia gammarellus of these fleas is native to Europe. However, you can also find some of these on the beaches near the Atlantic Coast. Some species are also can be seen along the Gulf Coast or the Pacific Coast. These include common Gulf sand hopper or western Gulf sand hopper.
Sand Fleas prefer sandy beaches in the intertidal zones where sand and water meet. These fleas burrow into the sand. You can usually come across these in the moist and sheltered parts of a beach, in mangroves, as well as in tidal pools.
Do Sand Fleas Bite?
Some species of sand fleas can bite humans which leads to clusters of red, itchy bumps. However, there are no serious risks associated with the bites, and the little irritation you may feel tends to go away on its own in a few days’ time.
It is interesting to note that these fleas are not always the cause of welts or itchy bites in coastal areas. Other creatures like Sand Flies or Chigoe Fleas are to blame for these conditions in most cases.
Effective Ways to Get Rid of Sand Fleas
Now that you know what sand fleas are and how to identify them let’s jump right ahead and see how you can get rid of them
1. Clean All Surfaces
Sand fleas due to their small physique can easily hide in the cracks and crevices of your walls and floors. In this case, you need to thoroughly steam clean every surface of your house which can eliminate the hiding spots of the fleas. The exposure to heat can also help you terminate sand fleas altogether.
2. Use Bug Spray at The Beach
One effective fleas pest control method involves the use of over-the-counter repellents like lotions or sprays on your skin when visiting the beach or some other sandy spot. This will keep sand fleas at bay thus preventing them from attaching to you and coming to the house.
3. Use Pesticides at Home
Pick an organic pesticide product and spray it on the floor, carpet, and furniture. Natural compounds like diatomaceous earth and salt are also effective which you can sprinkle on the affected areas and then vacuum after 24 hours.
4. Vacuum Carpets and Upholstery
Daily carpet cleaning and upholstery vacuuming in the rooms that you use the most can help you get rid of sand fleas before they pose serious threats. Make sure to properly use the vacuum’s brush head attachment to remove small sand fleas and their eggs stuck deep down into the fibers of the upholstery and carpets.
5. Wash Used Clothing and Bedding
In case of infestation, make sure to wash all of your used clothes and bedding with a strong detergent and hot water combination. Make sure to wash every clothing item you bring back from the beach before using it at home to be on the safe side.
You also need to steam clean your soft fabric or porous pet toys, pet beddings, pillows, and blankets to make sure there are no sand fleas left in the house.
6. Inspect Your Clothing and Shoes When you Return Home from the Beach
Before you enter your home after a beach day closely examine your legs, clothing, and both the top and bottom of your shoes. Leave your dirty shoes and clothing outside or in the laundry area before entering the house.
7. Check Your Pet for Sand Fleas
If your dog or cat has extra thick fur it can trap sand fleas which can then come into the house with these pets. Examine your pet closely by spreading its fur and looking at its skin for swelling or bites.
If your pet is excessively scratching or licking its skin it might be a sign that there are sand fleas on its skin. Notice these signs to make sure sand fleas do not harm you or your pet for a long time.
Though sand fleas are mostly harmless still in some cases their bites can leave marks accompanied by itchiness and severe discomfort. The presence of these pests can also affect the health of your kids and pets which is why you need to ensure these do not stay in your house for too long.
By taking the right sand flea control measures, you can ensure the risks of infestation are significantly reduced. This can also make it possible for you to have the best beach day ever without being affected by these pests in any way.Visit Lulu Pest Control and Clean Services to get the best sand flea and other pest control services all over Dubai and the UAE.