Cockroaches are common pests that are often seen scurrying across your kitchens, bathrooms, and some other dark corners of your property. Known for their exceptional resilience, these pests can survive almost any weather and climate conditions.

Their ability to adapt and thrive in all environments is the main reason why they have been around for more than 320 million years. The ability of cockroaches to feed on a wide range of food sources and their rapid reproduction rates make them a big challenge, particularly in urban areas.

This article throws some light on the behavior and ecology of cockroaches to see why they do so well in urban settings. This information will give you valuable insights into cockroach behavior that you can use to do proper cockroaches pest control in you urban property.

  • Cockroaches: A Brief Description
  • Behavior and Ecology of Cockroaches
  • Nesting, Hiding, and Eating Habits of Cockroaches
  • Collective Decision Making
  • Social Creatures
  • Cockroaches and Humans 
  • Why Cockroaches Thrive in Urban Settings
  • Excess of Moisture
  • Lots of Hiding Places
  • Ample Food Sources
  • Dense Landscaping
  • Urban Heat Island Effect
Cockroach on ice

Cockroaches: A Brief Description

Cockroaches or more commonly known as roaches have about 4,600 species out of which 30 are found in human habitats. Most of these species are about the size of a thumbnail with relatively small heads, broad-flattened bodies, and reddish-brown to dark-brown colored skin.

These insects also feature long and flexible antennae and large compound eyes. The body of a roach is divided into a thorax of three segments. Two pairs of wings are attached to the second and third segments where the first pair is very tough and plays a protective role while the hind wings are used for flight.

Attached to each of the three thoracic segments are three pairs of legs with large coxae and five claws each.

Cockroach on a leaf

Behavior and Ecology of Cockroaches

To understand how cockroaches act and to reduces diseases spread by cockroaches, we need to look first at their ecology and behaviour.

Though cockroaches are found in all parts of the world, they are more common in tropical and subtropical regions. Their ability to withstand extremely low temperatures (about-122oC) allows them to survive in the harsh climate of the Arctic as well.

The commonly known habitats of cockroaches include leaf litter, rotting wood, debris, arid regions, and near the surfaces of water bodies. 

Cockroaches are gregarious (social) animals and some species even show parental care. Some studies show the involvement of pheromones in the social interactions of cockroaches which shows their aggregation is much more than a simple reaction to environmental cues.

These pests prefer warm conditions and they thrive in dark and tropical urban regions. Except for the Asian cockroaches, most of the species are mainly nocturnal and they cannot withstand light.

Following are a few points that highlight the ecology and behavior of cockroaches even further

Nesting, Hiding, and Eating Habits of Cockroaches

Cockroaches prefer damp and dark nooks and crannies. You can find these pests in urban homes, schools, offices, restaurants, hospitals, etc. 

In Urban settings, they tend to reside near plumbing fixtures, cupboard cracks, food storage areas, drains, and behind washing machines or refrigerators, and kitchen sinks.

As for their eating habits, cockroaches can feed on almost anything. They are drawn to seeds, sweets, nuts, toothpaste, pet foods, excrement, soap, dead insects, fruits, vegetables, glue, and even hair. High-protein grubs like meats and starchy and sugary foods are what these creatures enjoy the most.

Collective Decision Making

Cockroaches also exhibit collective decision-making especially when choosing new food sources. When deciding where to go most cockroach groups will most likely consider two things the light concentration and the number of cockroaches that are already there.

Cockroach after eating pestiside

Social Creatures

Research also suggests that isolated cockroaches are less likely to leave their nests exploring for food and mates and they spend little time eating which points out a condition called behavioral syndrome. 

On the other hand, gregarious cockroaches have elaborate social structures and social herd features. This alludes to the fact that these creatures are more social in nature.

Cockroaches and Humans

Owing to their resilience and greater reproduction rates, these pests are used as insect models in research and education. These insects have been used successfully in the studies of sexual pheromones, activity rhythms, behavioral ecology, and spatial orientation.

Laboratory-bred and bacteria-free cockroaches are also used as a food item in countries like Thailand, Taiwan, and Mexico. These creatures are also used in China to prepare traditional medicines and cosmetics.

Why Cockroaches Thrive in Urban Settings

Now that we have seen how cockroaches tend to behave and interact with humans and their surroundings, let’s consider a few points that show why these pests are able to thrive and grow in urban settings.

  • Excess of Moisture

Our urban areas especially the ones near water bodies have a lot of moisture which pests especially the cockroaches are drawn to the most. These creatures are always in search of water and damp surroundings and it is not very tough for them to find such locations in urban properties.

  • Lots of Hiding Places

This is the main reason cockroaches thrive in urban settings. These small creatures can sneak into buildings through the smallest of cracks. Once inside, they will have a wide range of hiding places to nest.

Urban areas tend to be more closed and congested than open and spacious rural areas which gives roaches more freedom to hide and grow.

  • Ample Food Sources

As we have mentioned before, the cockroaches have no shortage of stuff to feed inside your house. In urban settings, the sheer availability of ample food sources is another reason why cockroaches thrive there so easily.

pest control
  • Dense Landscaping

Urban houses with dense and cluttered landscaping also provide cockroaches with suitable breeding grounds. These creatures can easily reside in overgrown bushes and benefit from water, shelter, and food.

And as soon as they notice an opening, they will immediately make a move and enter your property to further grow.

  • Urban Heat Island Effect

The decrease in plants and increasing number of concrete streets and sidewalks in urban regions give rise to a condition known as the Urban Heat Island Effect.

The concrete absorbs heat abruptly and releases it very slowly which keeps the average temperature in urban areas very high. Insects like cockroaches tend to thrive in tropical areas and the urban heat island effect provides them with that.


Cockroaches are the known carriers of several harmful bacteria and diseases. They thrive in urban areas as these locations have elevated temperatures, more hiding and breeding opportunities, and plenty of food sources that cockroaches can benefit from.

Cockroach control and prevention are extremely crucial if you wish to keep your property squeaky clean and healthy. For this purpose, you should focus on eliminating moisture and clutter. You also need to ensure there are not many hiding or nesting places for these creatures in or around your property to minimize the risks of infestations. You can visit Lulu Pest Control to get the best cockroach pest control services in Dubai and all over the UAE.  

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